Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Mudhara we Gitare

Handikanganwe zuva iroro. Ndaitofara  kunge munhu ari kuenda ku disco. Takasvika pa chikoro kuma 2pm ikoko, ndipo paitanga show. Yaiitirwa pachi square  chekuma senior grades kunana grade 4-7. Ipapo. Vanoziva Chipembere Primary School mapabata.

I paid my zukwa and got in. Unoziva unenge uchingoti ko zvikaramba ndikanzi usapinde. It happens kana zvamboitika a few times unenge wakutoti izvozvi ndini ndichamiswa. But no, ndakapinda. I didn't find a place to sit because ma prefects akatimanikidza kugara pavaida ivo. Nxa. But who cared, chero ndirimo.

Gare gare headmaster vakasvika, ne suit nema sandals. I think vairwara nemakumbo. He gave his usual speech and introduced the entretainer, zita ndakanganwa but I remember the guitar.

I don't know what's wrong nevaimbi, esp vemagitare. Anenge akagara nguva yese iyo asingachune gitare rake. Kungopiwa nguva chete akutanga kuchuna chuna. Hah.

Akazotanga kuridza ini ndato mu town zvangu mupfungwa dzangu. He found his groove after a while.

"Kakumboshuro haurime unodya mari.
Kakumboshuro haurime unodya mari"

Apa ndanga nda busy kugaya kuti what kind of a name was that. All I could think of was kakumbo ketsuro. Ndakatotanga kunzwa yanguwo song yakurira mumusoro "Handei tinovhima tsuro, nyama ye tsuro inopenga kunaka!"

I recalled every Tsuro ngano ever told. My favorite was the one yaanga ari babysitter was Shumba.

"Musha wakatengesa haurime unodya mari
Haurime Kakumboshuro"

His voice trailed off. Ndakafunga tiri mu class, learning ma opposites. I recalled my mistakes panyaya iyi. Tsk, everytime I try to think about past lessons, my errors come barging in. This is why I prefer to focus on the present zvangu. Pakanzi ma opposites....Fat - Nathan akati Thin (Zvikanzi raise your hand first. Opposite of Big.... Beaula abva akuridza maoko, Missess, Missess... Beaula... "The opposite of Big is Small"...Good girl, excellent, star!

Pakazonzi Comrade ndanga nda cofortable. Hameno  imimi, ini just the thought yekusimudza rwoko yaiita kuti mukanwa mangu muome, mudumbu mumone, etc. But eventually, I got round to it... Kudzai...Ndakavhunduka. Ndanga ndatokanganwa mubvunzo futi. She must have known me well.

"What's the opposite of Comrade?"
"Oh, I know this one. Soldier!"
I had heard nezve ma comrades nema soja saka that was easy.
I was surprused kuona Cody achiri akasimudza maoko.

"Cody tipe answer," said the teacher. "Foe!" Said Cody. Ndakafara kuti atadza, but had no time to celebrate. Teacher vanga va busy kuti good, excellent, star. I frowned thoughtfully.

"...haurime unodya mati
Gejo waka..."

Ipapo chi gitare chakabva chati dambu, chaunga chese changa cha lost in the act chikabva chati rrrrrrrrrr maziso ku stage.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" we all said at once.

2--25 minutes munhu achisunganidza ma strings. I think it was just 1 or 2 minutes but kana wabhadhara mari dzako it seems like forever.

He was back. Akapedzisa song yake vanhu vakaombera, pwa pwa pwa, kunge maputi ari pamoto. Here and there chete. I wondered how that felt.

Akatanga song nyowani,

 "Nguva yandaikuda waindiramba
Kana kubasa kwako ndaikutevera
Zvino handichakuda iwe wava kundida....

Chigitare bva chati dambu futi. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Akatanga kusunganidza but this time vanhu vanga vasvotwa. Hameno akatanga kudaidzira kuti "Zukwa, zukwa...!"

Moments later mwana wese wechikoro anga akungoti zukwa, zukwa..Ayas. Maticha akati chiendai kumba zvapera, no refund, nada refundo pachi putukezi.

Ndipo pakafira sarungano yekunakidzwa

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